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Think Student and Teacher PDF Books

Student PDF Book and Teacher PDF Book of Think Series. Think is a Six-Leveled Series published by Cambridge University Press as a Secondary Textbooks for Teaching Teenagers.

THiNK‘s thought-provoking topics and a focus on developing cognitive skills challenge and inspire teens to become lifelong learners. THiNK explores complex issues and topics of interest to teens and offers insights into other people and cultures.

‘THiNK Values’ activities encourage your students to reflect on positive social behaviours and important universal values such as developing intercultural awareness, understanding global issues and appreciation and respect for others.


  • Think Student and Teacher PDF Books


THis pack contains the following files:

Thinks starter Student Book

Think Starter Teacher Book


Thinks 1 Student Book

Think 1 Teacher Book


Thinks 2 Student Book

Think 2 Teacher Book


Thinks 3 Student Book

Think 3 Teacher Book


Thinks 4 Student Book

Think 4 Teacher Book


Thinks 5 Student Book


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