Views: 438 The Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL® iBT Test, 3rd Edition( PDF high quality & Audio Files), published by Pearson, is a well-regarded resource
Category: Pearson Education

Views: 116 Expert Series helps learners to develop their language awareness while ensuring that they understand the test format with expert exam preparation courses. This

Views: 94 Expert IELTS It provides flexible IELTS preparation, with a range of components and resources to support you and your students, however you want

Views: 79 PTE Academic Practice Tests Plus includes: * Four complete practice tests with authentic test questions by PTE Academic test writers * detailed guidance,

Views: 81 From the test developers, the Skills Boosters provide a wealth of preparation material for PTE General, including five complete practice tests, grammar development

Views: 95 Introduce young learners to English with fun Fly High characters, exciting stories and entertaining songs that inspire and engage. Give young learners a

Views: 65 University Success is for English language learners preparing for academic environments. Throughout the five levels of the course, learners develop the skills needed

Views: 146 The Third edition of Focus on Pronunciation gives beginning to high-beginning students the tools, tips, and techniques they need to speak clearly, accurately,

Views: 178 Fifth Edition of Focus on Grammar continues to leverage its successful four-step approach that lets learners move from comprehension to communication within a

Views: 62 Ready to Write features guided writing instruction, dependable strategies and activities to help learners develop the writing skills they need for study and