StartUp is a completely new course for adults and young adults who want to make their way in the world and need English to do it. StartUp makes learning easy and relevant, focusing on meaningful language that builds student confidence in using English, both in and out of class.
StartUp Examview Test Generator
ExamView® Test Generator allows you to easily create tests using content from your courses. You can create your own tests by selecting questions from a question bank, editing existing questions, or entering your own questions. Alternatively, you can also use canned tests, which are already made tests (e.g. complete unit tests), provided for you.
StartUp Examview Test Generators
this pack contains the following files:
StartUp 1 Examview (Windows & Mac)
StartUp 2 Examview (Windows & Mac)
StartUp 3 Examview (Windows & Mac)
StartUp 4 Examview (Windows & Mac)
StartUp 5 Examview (Windows & Mac)
StartUp 6 Examview (Windows & Mac)
StartUp 7 Examview (Windows & Mac)
StartUp 8 Examview (Windows & Mac)