StartUp is an innovative eight-level, multi- skills general English course built around the Global Scale of English (GSE). It is a complete language program that motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy.
Use ActiveTeach with a computer and projector or with an interactive whiteboard to receive Student Book pages – zoom in, zoom out and focus on specific activities. ActiveTeach comes on DVD with full class audio, printable worksheets, interactive exercises and interactive whiteboard tools.
To run the software, just click on Start-PC.exe file. No need to install this app.
StartUp 1 Active Teach
StartUp 2 Active Teach
StartUp 3 Active Teach
StartUp 4 Active Teach
StartUp 5 Active Teach
StartUp 6 Active Teach
StartUp 7 Active Teach
StartUp 8 Active Teach
hi! Does this include a workbook?
Active teaches do not include workbooks